Monday, March 18, 2013

Connected Coaching: Self Assessment

Now that the Connected Coaching Course is coming to an end we were asked to reflect and self-assess ourselves. In the beginning of the course, I created a simple learning contract. I had almost forgotten about these questions that I had assigned myself in the beginning....

Have I been an active participant in the online discussions and webinars?
  • I think I was, it took me a while to speak out in the actual webinars, but as I started feeling more comfortable with the content and my colleagues I started to speak up more. I tried to participate in all discussions on the discussion boards and responded whenever someone commented on my post. I think I could have engaged with other participants though and responded to their individual posts more often.
What new knowledge/skills have I gained? And do I feel confident in my understanding of it?
  • I learned a great deal from this course!
    • active listening
    • paraphrasing
    • questioning
    • utilizing protocols to bring groups together and help them move forward
    • Connected Coaching Wayfinding
    • Webinar ideas that I can incorporate into the classes that I will be teaching
In what ways have I incorporated my knowledge of educational technology?
  • For me, I think it has been incorporated throughout because that is how I have approached everything. I started this course because I wanted to develop more skills to support teachers as they transform their teaching. I think that definitely includes the concept of educational technolog and TPACK. 
Have I had an opportunity to apply my new skills yet? If so, how did it go?
  • I have posted a few messages in the PLP lite community, I found it challenging to jump in. I wonder if it would have been easier if we had been with them from the beginning, because I almost felt like I was walking in on a conversation and didn't want to step on any toes or ask a question that had already been addressed. 
  • I enjoyed practicing my new skills when we had a chance to verbally practice with colleagues during our webinars. It was definitely a safe environment to practice our new skills.

The rest of my reflection....


  1. Jennifer,

    Your reflection, like your participation and learning with us is deep, meaningful, and creative.

    Your use of Padlet to chronicle and highlight your journey is a really special touch.

    I am absolutely delighted that you returned to your early questions and answered them.

    Jennifer, it has been a delight to learn with you!

    My best wishes,

    1. Thank you Lani! I really enjoyed the course and appreciate how much it has pushed me out of my comfort zone!

  2. Jennifer,
    Great reflection! I would encourage you to "walk into conversations" your insights are valuable and as we have learned, asking people to restate ideas may lead to deeper understanding and individual growth.

    1. Thank you for the encouragement Joe! You make a great point about the importance about restating ideas.
